The Golden Minute
In the armed robbery community, there is an opportunity known as the Golden Minute. The precious few moments between an armored car...

Vanishing Games in Paperback!
If you've been waiting to give the gift of Ghostman, wait no longer! Go pick up a copy of the paperback from Vintage. #vanishinggames...
City of Sirens Soundtrack
Want to know what my Bangkok sounds like? Take a listen. If you dare. #Cityofsirens #bangkok #soundtrack

New Book Title Reveal
A priceless work of art. A revolution in the streets. Just another night in Bangkok. #Cityofsirens #publications #soundtrack #bangkok
Bump Key
If you've got a few minutes, check out this video. A guy with very douchey hair explains how to use a bump key to get past nearly any...

I recently picked up a new set of toys. Check out these cufflinks that double and handcuff keys.

Crimetime Visby
I've just returned from a wonderful week in Sweden, where I was honored to speak at the first ever CrimeTime festival on Gotland Island.

Maltese Falcon
I am now the proud possessor of the Maltese Falcon, a hand-carved wooden statue given out by the Maltese Falcon Society in Japan to the...

Vanishing Games Soundtrack
My new novel, Vanishing Games, is a heist thriller set in the gambling city of Macau, China. I lived there briefly while researching the...

Vanishing Games Drops Today!
Hey. Go get your copy. #vanishinggames #crime #rogerhobbs #newreleases