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New Website!

Hey everybody! By now you've noticed that I've totally redesigned my website and added, among other things, this blog. I made this website myself, so please forgive me if a couple of things are broken for the next few days. I'm still working some things out. In the future I hope to post to this blog rather frequently. I want to keep you informed about developments in my upcoming novels, such as VANISHING GAMES, which I have just finished, and should be out in the United States sometime in the Spring of 2015. I will also post regularly about my upcoming events, in case you'd like to come see me mumble incoherently into a microphone for forty minutes while you wait for me to sign your book. I'm not a great public speaker, but if you stick around and buy me a cocktail, I'll gladly plan your next heist for you free of charge. In the meantime I'll post movie reviews, my thoughts on crime writing, and photos from my adventures around the world. I travel constantly while researching my books, and sometimes end up in sticky situations. I'll also try to keep you informed as the Ghostman movie begins to take shape. It should be a lot of fun, and I hope you'll

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